Business inquiry Hello there, Hope you have a fantastic and prosperous week. I am representing Purify Digital Ltd. and we are interested in monetizing your website through display ads since it has high profit potential. At Purify Digital Ltd, we provide: • User-friendly, clean and easy to implement tags • Supported ad sizes: 320×100; 728×90; 300×250; 320×50; 160×600; etc. • High fill rates and competitive CPM are guaranteed • No restrictions in terms of selling your inventory to other ad networks or advertisers • Same day integration • Daily optimizations for reaching higher KPI’s We partner with the vast majority of demand leaders. We don’t have any setup fees. So, you can join our ad network without any commitment or risk. Your satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we are available and ready to respond in the shortest time possible. In case that sounds beneficial for you, I would love to tell you about our offer and help you with reaching your goals. Sincerely, Kalin Stoyanov