Tonia S

Hello, I represent WMG International Programmatic Agency, USA. We provide effective monetization of the largest media resources. We can suggest our best solution to monetize your traffic. I would like to offer you: · A wide range of current advertising formats · High CPM depending on formats · Coverage above 90% · Advertising from global brands (Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Samsung, Armani, KLM, McDonald’s, BOOKING and others) · Stable monthly payments We would like to discuss the effective monetization of your resource. We provide you with opportunities to increase your revenue through our effective display, inbanner video and video ads with the highest CPM & fill-rate. Premium display and video formats are available for desktop and mobile. The best solution to monetize your traffic with a percentage of 90% and generate incremental revenue with an average CPM that is 2 to 3 times higher than standard banners. · VAST / all types of video ads · JS Banners · Direct Header Bidding Adapters/Prebid ·oRTB integration I would like to tell you more about our products and formats and introduce our technological solutions to ensure that what we are offering, and the results, are worth a try. Let’s discuss possible options for cooperation. Best regards,