Sebastian Collorafi

Hi, Hope you’re well, it’s Seb from Vibrant Media, we specialise in some unique ad formats such InTexT & InImage advertising to monetise your website. InTexT Demo: (Mouse over the keywords “enjoy” and “entertainment” in the article). InImage Demo: We’ve partnered with advertisers such as Taboola, Outbrain or Dianomi to offer a 100% fill rate. Both formats work through the same tag which takes 2 mins to implement. Could you please let me know if you would be interested in any of this formats? Looking forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Seb SEBASTIAN COLLORAFI Snr. Publisher Solutions Manager (EMEA) VIBRANT MEDIA & Quintesse – BE RELEVANT. BE SEEN. Office : +44(0)20 7074 0197